Copper Kills Coronavirus. Why Aren’t Our Surfaces Covered With It?
Many research papers have been published showing that copper alloy surfaces defeat the virus in a short period of time.
Coronavirus can persist on surfaces for days, new study says
The highly-contagious novel coronavirus that has exploded into a global pandemic can remain viable and infectious in an aerosol (a fine airborne mist) for hours and on surfaces up to days, however is renderred 50% deactivated within 46 minutes on copper surfaces according to a new study that should offer guidance to help people avoid contracting the COVID-19 illness. […]
Copper: Virus Killer?
As COVID-19 continues to spread in South Korea and in other countries around the world,… copper is coming under the spotlight as a material that can potentially kill the virus. As a result,… products are hitting shelves that are made with or contain the metal. Kim Bo-kyoung tells us more. > View Video Here
Copper Essential in the Fight against COVID-19
Local, state and federal governments must thus ensure that copper industry operations and employees are designated as “essential” and not included in any “shelter in place” or similar orders as we address the COVID-19 crisis. > Click here to see the Copper Development Association Publication
Coronavirus Cases
Human Coronavirus 229E Remains Infectious on Common Touch Surface Materials
The evolution of new and reemerging historic virulent strains of respiratory viruses from animal reservoirs is a significant threat to human health. Inefficient human-to-human transmission of zoonotic strains may initially limit the spread of transmission, but an infection may be contracted by touching contaminated surfaces. Enveloped viruses are often susceptible to environmental stresses, but the […]
CDA Position Statement on COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Copper Development Association (CDA) developed the following position statement to address an influx of inquiries from the media and external stakeholders. Read Full Article here
Copper kills coronavirus. Why aren’t our surfaces covered in it?
Mark Wilson is a senior writer at Fast Company who has written about design, technology, and culture for almost 15 years. He writes about the history of copper and ask us why it isn’t used everywhere! > Click here to read the full story [Source Images: ekimckim/Blendswap (toilet), blenderjunky/Blendswap (bathroom)]
CDC and NIH Conduct Research on COVID-19 / Copper
Copper Development Association Inc. recently shared a communication with its members regarding #Copper and #Coronavirus. Here’s an interesting excerpt from that position statement: “Recently, a U.S. government-funded study published this week and conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the SARS-CoV-2 […]
Aerosol and Surface Stability
The rapid transmisson of the virus is partially due to it’s survivability as an aerosol and on common high touch surfaces. A novel human coronavirus that is now named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (formerly called HCoV-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and is now causing a pandemic.1 We analyzed the […]